Freedom in Routine

FREEDOM IN ROUTINE - Sounds like a paradox, right?

I used to call myself a “freedom seeker” when people asked why we relocated our young family from one side of the country to the other to start an organic farm when we had no idea (NO IDEA!) what we were doing.

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Spring Lakes Life
How to Eat Issue Four: Preparation Of Food (Aka LOVE)

Food should be cooked with love. Because when it is, the person receiving it, will be nourished, mind, body and soul.


Because if food is prepared with another kind of emotion, the people receiving the food will be nourished by the vitamins etc, but their mind, emotions and basic vitality will not be. When food is cooked with love, the energy of the cook passes into the food and the energy of the food is enhanced.

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Spring Lakes Life
How To Eat Issue 2: Environment And Company

Ayurveda does not have a fragmented approach to health and nutrition – it is not about proteins, carbs, fats and micro nutrients. It is about the interrelatedness of the person and their environment. Their environment relates to their whole self – both internal and external. It means everything around you, both personally and professionally. Is also means many other things, but for today, let’s focus on…

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Spring Lakes Life
12 reasons to shop at your local farmer's market

Farmer’s markets are a thriving bustling environment full of great people who are passionate about great things. Here’s my top 12 reasons why you should avoid supermarkets and make a ritual out of visiting your local market each week instead. Not only can you fill your basket up full of organic and home made goodies, but you’ll love the joyful ambience, vibrancy and connections made talking about real things, like real food, with real people.

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Spring Lakes Life